Export FIle Name Options

In exporting a file as a png, is it possible to put a number on each image of the total pages in a flow. For example:
Project Title - Flow Title - page number in flow - of total number of pages in flow
Currently it gives me the page number of the image in the Project. If I cannot get Dorico to do this, I will need to do it by hand (which is what I have been doing). There is a long, somewhat convoluted reason I need this that I can go into if it would help understand my situation or if there is another work around.


There does not appear to be a filename token for total pages in flow. But since it is a fixed number for each flow, you could write it (e.g. “of 5”) explicitly in the recipe itself. You’d have to export each flow separately – but at least you wouldn’t have to rename every file.

Another idea: On Mac File > Rename … could accomplish much the same thing after exporting. (On Windows, I don’t know.)

This would work if I could get the number of pages in the flow. (It is good to know that typing something like “of 4” would work. Didn’t realize that.) But it returns the number of pages in the project. So, if the document is 16 pages and I print the last flow which is four pages, the images come back numbered 13-16, corresponding to the numbers they are in the project. The reason I need this is twofold: the flows are not the same number of pages in the projects, and (more importantly) I have people dealing with the images on the back end that don’t know music. If I said “look for the double bar” that is the end of the stanza," they would look at me like I had a third head.

I almost have this solved. The addition of “of #” gives me the desired output for that part of the filename. However, I still cannot get the numbers of the pages to output corresponding to the page number in the flow. So, for example I have a file that is 16 pages long, made up of four flows of 4 pages each. I would like the output to be:
“Project Title - Flow Title - page number in flow - of 4”

I am using the print dialogue tokens: “$t - $w - $p of 4”

This way for the first page of the second flow I get:

"Project Title - Flow Title - 005 - of 4. This corresponds to the page number in the project.

I have successfully changed the page number of each flow to start at one in Engrave mode using {@flowPage@}. I think I need a corresponding token within the print page “Filename options” dialogue box. Does such a thing exist?

I’m fairly sure the only filename tokens are those listed in the dialog (but I’d love to be wrong).