'Export locator range' not working in C5 - working in C6?

‘Export locator range’ while exporting a MIDI file seems to not work in C5.

Create MIDI ch
Insert MIDI event from bar 1 > bar 7
Record or draw MIDI data from bar 5 > bar 7
Set locators to encompass the entire event
Export MIDI file, with Export locator range checked
Import MIDI file, and the MIDI event is only from bar 5 > bar 7; the entire locator range did not export

Has this been fixed in C6?

Like I said elsewhere, ELR is for exporting a section of a larger part so it’s not broken, IMHO. What is the issue is the option to minimize files on Import or not has been done away with. :wink:

Like I said elsewhere, ELR is for exporting a section of a larger part so it’s not broken, IMHO.

Eh, that doesn’t seem to make sense. So, what you are saying, is that it’s not for exporting a smaller part?

It’s for exporting a section of a larger part. That’s the way it’s worded in contextual help in Prefs, too.

What - the locators are for exporting a section of a larger part? I don’t understand that.

Say you have a part that’s 20 measures with data in all measures and you only want to export a MIDI part that spans from measure 5-15. Export Locator Range is what allows this.

If this is activated, > only > the range between the left and right locator will be exported.

Only is the key word.

Only what? Should be only the entire event.
