Export to video

Guys, why don’t you consider using the free tool kit called ER Toolkit?

If you are looking for a full video export from the project, which is what I need most of the times, that toolkit works just about perfectly.

I am using it with Nuendo right now and it works like an integrated solution. But it works with Cubase pro and cubase elements. I have tested.

+1 Agree! We must have it!

It used to work. Now it’s removed.

Bargain alert, there’s a time-limited offer over on HumbleBundle where you can donate about $25 (or more) to charity and get the previous version of Vegas Pro Edit and more in return. This is totally legit, folks. Vegas Pro Edit 15 is my weapon of choice, it actually started life as a DAW from Sonic Foundry and so feels very natural to use, and now you can even use AAF to transfer back and forth to Cubase Pro 10.

All I need is “Replace audio in video” … BUT
no reason to be stupid about it if it costs $25, right, so I had to try.
Vegas Pro works and it’s also bundled with some other stuff including SoundForge “lite”.
Great alert!!! Thanx MrSoundman!
But I’m no video editor and have no ambitions to be so it’s definitely a shooting mosquitoes with an elephant gun kind of a deal!!! :mrgreen:
Why not? :sunglasses:

Bargain alert, there’s a time-limited offer over on HumbleBundle where you can donate about $25 (or more) to charity and get the previous version of Vegas Pro Edit and more in return. This is totally legit, folks. Vegas Pro Edit 15 is my weapon of choice, it actually started life as a DAW from Sonic Foundry and so feels very natural to use, and now you can even use AAF to transfer back and forth to Cubase Pro 10.

Vegas Pro is only for Windows?

Check also this VST video render plug-in for $18:

Tryed it and working well…

But the big question is: “Dear Seinberg WHY we can’t have this function in Cubase PRO?”…
An add-on to buy this function (video render) is also acceptable: so we’ll give you our money and not to a third party …
:confused: :confused: :confused:

If they are going to implement to NUENDO, they should implement it to CUBASE as well, as it is a very basic function that any other DAW does. Reaper costs $ 60 and does it perfectly, why not an almost $ 600 DAW like Cubase 10? It seems a joke, but it is real.

And they told us back in Cubase 9 days that they will implement this feature, but now we are in version 10 and nothing has happened yet. I hope they implement this the sooner the better.

(Implementing it to NUENDO and not to CUBASE is such a bad taste movement…)

Unfortunately on the comparison chart for Cubase 10 Pro and Nuendo 10 it’s indicated that only Nuendo will render the video.
(see the “VIDEO” tab):

I hope they reconsider that!

Strange! I just saw that today at noon. And I just shook my head.

BTW I totally overreact visiting that page haha :blush: :laughing: !!! Why not let it be a long page without folding it up in sections.
The thing is that with the Firefox browser you can just start typing and search for text but not if the text is folded up like that.
In order for that to work I have to unfold all the sections every time I want to search for something I suspect is there, like … c’mon!!!
And yeah, I’m on Cubase Pro but not everybody I collaborate with is so I frequently visit that page, whether I like it or not.

Now back on topic, have we ever heard anythíng directly from the horse’s mouth about this, why it takes so much time or why it is impossible to implement or …

Working composer here. I will not spend tons of money for Nuendo for this one feature that every other composer-friendly DAW as little as $60 has as standard. Not sure what I’ll do, but that sure as hell won’t be it. It took many years to get video mode in Cubase, which was a wonderful thing to finally have. Steinberg, do NOT make the same mistake of taking so long for Cubase with this. It’s truly awful for someone working to video every day to have to deal with this, and it’s making me consider strongly switching to another DAW now that I’ve seen this about Nuendo 10 only having this basic feature for composers.


+1 Agree

Yes, I knew it was in the comparison. And this is one of the reasons I’m complaining. It’s no sense, and all the other DAWs I know have it. Even Reaper which costs $ 60 have it since the early days.

Cubase has this strange things (no video export, not showing time signatures or markers in the Midi Editor, an Instrument Track/Rack duality in which any of the both systems works perfectly well, different systems for automation depending in which editor you are, etc.) that it must solve instead of adding new features. I like new features, but I would love to have the basic ones working properly. I mean, Cubase is one of the most expensive mainstream DAWs…

Totally agree!

You are right!

Da Truth!

And now…
Also Studio One have the video export function … :open_mouth:

I believe that Cubase will be soon the ONLY DAW without this feature! :confused:
Come on, Steinberg!

Yes, Cubase is the only pro composer DAW that doesn’t have this. So frustrating.

The most frustrating part is that when the took away “replace audio in video” 2 years ago in cubase 9.0.30 they promised “video render export (including audio)” would be released in a future update. https://helpcenter.steinberg.de/hc/en-us/articles/115000808250-Video-support-in-Nuendo-Cubase-and-Dorico

And now they are saying it will NEVER be a part of Cubase, and will only be a Nuendo feature!! This is a total “Avid” move, treating your loyal customers this way. I just wish there was more TRANSPARENCY… If I have to crossgrade to Nuendo just for this one feature I will, but man, if I crossgrade and then later video render becomes a feature of Cubase I will be out of luck. I’m runing 4 copies of Cubase at my studio and so that’s $1600 to crossgrade them all just to make video clips for clients!!

It need from Steinberg clear communication of what will happen in the immediate future and an explanation of what is happening in the present. :confused: :frowning:

Cubase and Nuendo are not exactly the same DAW.

I won’t go to Nuendo until things are “in the future” …

And if it happens like with Cubase? … No video export function as promised, in any future version. :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation: