From what I’ver read from a moderator here at some point, it is coming to Cubase. Not sure if it’ll be 10.5 or not (it would be a massive shame if it weren’t, and would tilt me steeply toward one of the other couple DAW’s I’ve been learning more deeply if some very important things aren’t addressed in 10.5). But apparently it’s coming since composers (both major and non major) use Cubase and need this for todays fast turnaround world.
It’s in page 3 of this thread… Yes, for version 10.5.
Video export including rendering will be a part of Cubase in the future. It will be introduced with Nuendo 10.2 first though.
Well, we are talking about Cubase 10.5.
Use DaVinci Resolve. Free version allows basic video editing and export. Cross platform.
This alone would encourage me to update (still running Cubase 9 here).
It is almost as if Cubase wants to make it difficult to professionals to use their software for film scoring.
Hey all, it’s finally coming in 10.5, so there’s no need to continue this particular thread.
This is a half baked solution … it will export 1080p video regardless of original resolution. Exporting a 4 min video gives you a file size of more than 1gb! If the original idea was to send for quick review then this just doesn’t cut it.
Oh, man …
That’s kind of like serving fish fingers on pizza plates? If you put pizza plates in front of kids you won’t get away with fish fingers!!!
Well, one feature update for Cubase 10.5.2 in january?
Come on, Steinberg!
Give us the chance of leaving the original video resolution. Please!
Why leave things halfway?
Wait for 10.5.1 Update!
So disappointed.
43mb of video exported into 810mb… wtf
+1 please
It saves some time, but we still need to run a video converter after exporting to reduce the size of the video again and that is very annoying.
Anybody knows why I don’t see the File>Export>Video option after upgrading to 10.5?
I’m running Win7 64bit. I know it’s not supported officially but everything else is working fine.
You may have answered your own question.
The new video rendering facility utilises technology in Win10 that is just not available in Win7 - you’re out of luck on this one I’m afraid.
Also, just been browsing the Nuendo forum; I reckon Steinberg has to be well aware by now… lots of feedback from those users too, commenting on the limitations/frustrations with this first release of the Video Export tool.
So they added “Export to video” with fixed compression parameters by just embedding a tool from the operating system… Seriously?
I just upgraded for this feature. What a disappointment.
Ok, I get it, now you have my money Steinberg, but please release a free update to fix this.
Ok, I’ve set up my own system with a third-party converter (HandBrake). Here’s what Cubase is missing in my opinion:
- When you import the Video, Cubase should internally re-convert it to a fast-decoding version at the very least (maybe also add an option for minimum quality since we only need a minimal visual reference to write music). Using “HandBrake” I was able to load a video that stopped consuming the CPU that I needed for my mix (the “fast-decode” and “very-fast x264 preset” options in the Video tab were CRITICAL).
- When you export the Video, as other people have suggested, the more reasonable thing to do would be to preserve the resolution and compression parameters of the original video, with an option again to reduce the quality to be able to send a smaller video file (we are never going to use this for production, we only want to generate videos to be able to share ideas with our customers and smaller videos can be sent quicker).
It’s working in Cubase 10.5! I test it out here: Cubase 10.5 - Testing New Features & Discovering Bugs/Issues + Unpaid Review with Drama! - YouTube