Exporting - Audio Mixdown problem with MIDI instruments

I am having an intermittent problem when mixing down projects that contain MID instruments. Sometimes it’s fine, sometimes the MIDI tracks are not exported at all and sometimes they export initially but drop out midway during the export. I had this problem way back with much earlier versions (can’t remember precisely, but let’s say version 9) and am disappointed that it has returned at version 14.

Hi and welcome to the forum,

I expect, you are talking about the Instrument Tracks.

Do you export in real-time or offline? Could you try to increase the Buffer Size?

Thanks for your response. I export off-line.

With buffer size, are you referring to my device setting in Control Panel? I use a buffer size of 512. Are you suggesting changing that to 1024?


Before exporting, try increasing it to the highest value available. After the export is completed you can change the buffer size back to your preferred setting.


Yes, please try 1024.

Ok, I’ll try thx. As I said, it’s intermittent so I might not see the results for some time.

Yes, this is still an issue even at the buffer size of 1024. As I said, this used to happen in an earlier version (can’t remember which, but it was a few ago). It’s very irritating but it won’t stop me using Cubase.