Expression Map Workflow optimization requests

I’ve been putting together a template and have a few key optimizations to request for expression maps.

  1. Being able to sort expression maps. Either alphabetically, or by dragging them around. I have dozens and any mistake means adding them out of order which makes it very hard to assign later on.
  2. Load multiple expression maps at once. I bought Art Conductor which is a wonderfully powerful set of expression maps. Right now cubase only allows loading one in at a time, but if it allowed selecting multiple I could do sets all at once to save a lot of time and clicks.
  3. Multi select and edit articulations. I’m using a trick to split out long and shorts by using two of the same patches and assigning longs to Channel 1 and shorts to Channel 2. It’s great we can do this, but currently it’s one by one with a ton of clicks. I want to be able to multi select all shorts and change the channel or other attributes.
  4. Multi select across multiple expression maps. I’d like to change the channels of multiple maps at the same time if the articulations match. For example, to change all my LASS3 patch shorts to channel 2 for the reason mentioned in 3. Currently it can only be done one at a time.
  5. Filtering the expression map list. With dozens it’s hard to navigate to the right EM in the editor. I like that we can filter by string in the tracks, but also want to filter by string in the EM editor!
  6. Undo/Redo for EM editing. If I accidentally click the small - then I lose whatever was selected and with over a hundred tracking that down is immensely difficult. Having an undo track EM edits would help.
  7. Export EM maps. With how tedious it all is I’d like to specifically export all EM maps to some file I can import and use as a backup of functional EMs.
  8. Shortcuts to speed up assigning EMs to tracks. I wish Shift+Click and Shift+Alt click worked to assign cascading expression maps like it does with other track selections like input, output, midi channel, etc. The reason is I regularly want to import 4-5 at a time, then assign to 4-5 midi tracks in a row. Right now it’s all one by one.

This list would dramatically improve the workflow of importing, assigning, arranging, saving, and splitting articulation channels to allow unique mixes in multi patches based on articulation.


I wholeheartedly agree – especially on points 01, 05, 06, 07, and 08.

Expression Maps definitely needs an update. It’s such an awesome little tool, but misses some basic ergonomic function.

Have you submitted this to Steinberg?


ETA: I’ll add another very important wish: Make the Expression Maps rollout in the Inspector resizable. I normally have 15 to 20 slots and can’t see when a particular slot is active if it’s toward the bottom of the list.

Also, make the Expression Map rollout pin-able, so it doesn’t jump from bottom of the Inspector to top of the Inspector when you’re clicking between the project window MIDI track and the Key Editor.

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All good stuff…

Though, Expression Map ‘requests’ for improvement/additions, along with forum post ‘votes’, loads of user voices of support, etc, have been going on for many, many years… here’s something from 2019 era…
Expression Map - Helpful Additions - Cubase - Steinberg Forums

There’s others; some from 2015… sadly, still awaiting solutions/acknowledgement.

Make of that what you will.

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Thanks for link! Upvoted it and hopefully Steinberg updates some of these soon to compete with other DAWs embracing expression map workflow.