Expression maps: attributes resets direction to default?

Hi, everyone.
I’m newbie to expression maps, trying to use it first time.
Here is simple example of what i am doing. There are 2 directions (default and pizzicato) and 1 attribute (staccato).
I apply pizzicato direction with the first note. Then, second note has attribute staccato. So, when playing, 1st and 2nd notes work fine (pizzicato, then staccato). But 3rd note returns to default direction, not pizzicato. I think it’s supposed to return to previous style of playing i.e. pizzicato. Why it drops to the default direction, it’s realy inconvenient, because i have to set the direction every time after any attribute. This seems to be senseless.


Can you send screenshot of your Expression Map Setup?

Some techniques works from the changes to the next one change. Some of tem works for one noty only. These, which affect just the only one note, you can display in the Key Editor in the Info Line, as “Articulations”. In my Cubase 6.5.3, pizzicato is not articulation. Upbow/Downbow, or Staccato is in the Articulations part. To be honest, I don’t know, if you can change, which will be displayed as articulations, and wchich will not.

What you are describing is perfectly normal (sorry if that is bad news :slight_smile: )… When no articulation is specified (i.e; your 3rd note), it returns to the “default” articulation (the first slot in the VST Expression Map). So, don’t confuse “default” articulation with the articulation that just happened to be the first one you inserted in the MIDI Part :wink:.

Yes, i know that first (default) articulation gonna play if nothing else is specified, and it’s right. I was confused that specifying an attribute makes previous specified direction end - that is what i think is out of logic, because direction is permanent style of playing and it is comfortable to specify one time for a part, for example, violin plays legato. But if i need 2 or 3 notes to play staccato here and there, i should just set attribute staccato to these notes without concerning about the main style of playing.
Of course, maybe i just dont understand this logic correctly…

Here is screen shot.

The rule is fairly straightforward… an attribute articulation is active only for the note to which it is attached, whereas a direction-type articulation remains, until it is replaced by another articulation (whether it be another direction or an attribute). So, if the last-written articulation is a direction, it will remain active until the end of the part, whereas if the last-written articulation is an attribute, the subsequent notes revert to the default articulation.

Yeah, i got it. Thanks for your answers.
But still, in my opinion, attributes should not break off previous directions :slight_smile: in other way, there is no really much sense in attributes, we could always use only directions, and nothing would really change)

You’d change your mind as soon as the default articulation is the one you want most of the time :wink:… and don’t forget, you can always drag the slots in the Expression map, such that your “favorite” slot becomes the default one.