Expression Maps: Click on Inspector to select articulation

Hi there! It’d be really useful to just be able to click the expression shown the Expression Map section of the Inspector to be able to select that articulation:



+1 and also make it re-sizable in the inspector so we can see more than 12 articulations at a time.



+10 !





If you have another Midi device lying around you can use it to switch articulations, but yeah, this would be a great feature.


+1 to all the above. If a user-resizable option is not in the near future, perhaps the 12 entry list can be made smart enough to auto-scroll to the active switch? Most of my maps are larger than 12 entries.

Ping. To everyone who +1’d, please use the Vote button at the top. That will actually uptick the value in the database; +1’s unfortunately are not counted. Thanks!

Voted. Really wish they’d have implemented this a long time ago.

I can see how this would be useful. I have managed to get by, it is difficult to pinpoint a expression when there is 10+ and your are trying to manage your screen space.


Almost 5 years asking for this simple but useful feature. I can’t explain why isn’t implemented yet, as wonderful it will be to have this one in our repertoire.

Moreover, I see that menu in the inspector and I intuitively click on the articulation I want… and nothing happens :frowning: .

Another related cool thing is that we could change the length of the menu displayed, in order to see all our articulations if we would like to do so. That is to say, a simple resize.

I hope somebody in Cubase’s Team reads this feature request and they implement it, it will be fantastic.

Steinberg please do it for Cubase 14