Expression Maps Generator - Create expression maps quickly

In any case - thanks for your site - it just makes everything clear -I’ll donate at some point after I’ve used it. I do hope you will get given a copy of Dorico!

Added two new features:

  • Set triggers for “empty” articulations (screenshot 1)
  • Remove all slots (screenshot 2)
  • Fixed a few bugs


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Doesn’t look like the empty is working, like i cannot add it to a slot.

@ravez at least one group in a slot must be a non-empty articulation. Does that solve the problem? Otherwise it’s indeed a bug

I think it’sa bug then, no matter what i do i can’t get an empty articulation in a slot

Empty articulations are shown as a dash in the slot. You don’t have to explicitly select an empty “articulation” to do that. Selecting an empty articulation only makes sense if you also selected a real articulation in the same group.

ok now i understand, thx for explaining!

Added the possibility to have an “all empty” slot. Didn’t know that this is a thing for some of you


This tool seems very well done! Great work.

If steinberg would allow to add and organize expression maps more dynamically this would allow me to use this tool. I’m not using expression maps at all because i have to add them one by one. In Logic Pro i drop an “expression map” into the articulation folder and logic updates immediately. Meaning through the mac Finder i can organize my logic articulation maps and logic updates in realtime.

Anyways i hope the devs appreciate your work and maybe update at least cubase’ organizational part of the maps handling.

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This is a real winner - thanks so much for your effort!

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I’d looked at this when @mk1x86 first posted it. But thanks to a recent Sonic Couture sale I got to spend (and save) some quality time with this tool. Really, really, really makes life easier - so thanks a bunch for building this.

When building Expression Maps in Cubase I found that starting with a generic ‘template’ pre-populated with a bunch of dummy articulations sped things up. I think the same holds true with this tool. So here are several starting points in a few sizes. Basically X number of articulations with each mapped to a slot of its own.

Expression Map Generator Init (3.2 KB)


@raino I think you haven’t figured out the power of the tool yet. :slight_smile:

  1. There’s a button that let’s you create articulations from a list of names that you copied “ctrl+c any text” to you clipboard.
  2. Simply select all your articulations (using shift+click) and add one articulation. Or maybe even add a different key to each articulation using this feature:

That should speed up the process even more.

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Hello everyone, I updated the webpage with a new feature.
If you have instruments of the same library, e.g. strings and they have the same articulations but the placement of key switches is different (below register for violins, above register for celli) then this new button let’s you shift key switches of specific octaves up and down


Very useful addition. Thanks.

Hi! any chance you can add the color column to the slots, the one after the 4 groups in the expression maps editor

Is this actually used for anything?

absolutely, if you set the color of the midi editor notes to “sound slot” it will pick up those colors, so ideally you have a different color per articulation type just by looking at the nodes in the midi editor


That’s interesting. I’d always wondered what the colors were there for.

The bad news is now I need to add colors to existing maps

Alright, working on it. As far as I can see there’re 16 colors and they are NOT project dependent, are they?


Awesome! Correct, wish we had more than 16 colors, but i don’t see any relation to the project colors unfortunately