The Expression Map editor is a fantastic tool and greatly adds to Cubase’s overall functionality.
it needs a significant overhaul. The current design might have been suitable for instruments with five or ten key switches; it is woefully inadequate for sample libraries with 300 or even 500 key switches, as in Vienna Symphonic String Libraries.
Can someone at Steinberg explain why the editor is designed in its current configuration and does not function for data entry more like an Excel spreadsheet? Multiple clicks consume a lot of time for the user, and it is maddening to end up in the wrong box after clicking too fast or too slow. I’m speaking of the articulations listing in the articulations section of the output mapping. I spend several minutes on a single entry because the click feature puts me in the symbol mapping area instead of the text entry. A single-click function would be wonderful. Please, no double-click features.
Maddening, it is
Also, the text for a single articulation mapping must be typed four times.
A copy cell feature would be a good function to have, for example. Again, these functions are expected from a data entry spreadsheet like Excel. I’m certain Microsoft has some assistance they could offer.
One last feature that is misleading and puzzling to the user: the Windows operating system does not see the Expression Map Editor window as a separate, discrete entity. Widows’ design functionality is violated when an app does not have a functioning window that displays in the alt-tab function.
Thanks for listening and again, I do appreciate the Expression Map’s inclusion in the Cubase platform.
Holt, MI, USA
Search the forum for a thread about an Expression Map Generator. It makes generating complex maps pretty simple.
I saw that; thanks. I’ve built up many of my expression maps for strings with the Cubase app. I’ll switch when I move to winds and percussion. I wanted to tell Steinberg a bit about what was on my mind and what many other users have encountered with that cranky app.
Also we need a negative delay value per expression. Not only for a track. Thank you.
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It should be improved within the DAW.