extend audio part to song length?

Hey, just wondering if it is possible to do this from within the session: replacing existing drum audio parts (which have differing end points) with bounces that add some extra length, so that the all end at the same time. Group editing will probably freak out over these differing track lengths. I only noticed the differing end times after doing most of the session setup. If I have to batch export these tracks, that means re-importing them one by one. I tried the different render in place settings, no luck there. I checked the commands pertaining to selected range to see if anything there could help me, but no go. I guess what I need to do is add a bit of empty audio to each file (different lengths though) to fill the range, and then I can probably make the tracks into equal length parts so that group editing doesn’t freak out anymore. I’m just not sure on how to add an empty audio part. Quite possible there is a better way, in that case please enlighten me :slight_smile:


Use range selection tool on all tracks and bounce selection.

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Thanks Grim, I’ll give that a try

If I have to batch export these tracks, that means re-importing them one by one. I tried the different render in place settings, no luck there. I checked the commands pertaining to selected range to see if anything there could help me, but no go. I guess what I need to do is add a bit of empty audio to each file (different lengths though) to fill the range, and then I can probably make the tracks into equal length parts so that group editing doesn’t freak out anymore.

The previous answer is still the correct one…do that!!

I checked the commands pertaining to selected range to see if anything there could help me

Hi Grim, can you explain how you use the range tool here please?

Thx !

There´s not really a lot of ways to use it: Press mouse button and select a range, then release mouse button.

Thanks. Just to clarify - I am wondering what range should be selected (all tracks in question at once … beginning of earliest drum track to end of desired range? … or maybe each track indivdually?, or … etc.).

I’ve used the range tool before, but never in this kind of situation, where what I’ve done is draw in a new part at the end, glued it, then bounced it … which is kind of a pain.

Thanks again -

Obviously you select the desired tracks, with the desired range. I don´t see much things that can be done wrong or right here…?

Well, you’re just awesome, thanks so much.

Thanks Grim