Is there any way to use an external midi clock sync in VST Live Pro?
I see there’s a few requests for tempo / time signature change so maybe this could be a workaround?
Is there any way to use an external midi clock sync in VST Live Pro?
I see there’s a few requests for tempo / time signature change so maybe this could be a workaround?
Hi! Look VSTL is a “master-show-ctrl”, it can provide MTC, LTC, MIDI Clock to all connected devices. But sure, with some trick you can TAPtpo it back via extMIDI if that is better to you, but that is not the same with MIDI CLOCK-ing.
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Hi @fkalmus,
I have a track that changes tempo gradually that’s in a DAW. I’d like to import the track as a whole but I doubt I could get the tempo change to work in VST live, so I was going to run the track from the DAW and output the tempo into VSTL.
Not sure if this is even possible, if it isn’t then I’m open to all and any suggestions.
Thanks, appreciate any help available.
Yeah, we have then a few options :
The tempo rises in almost a logarithmic curve unfortunately. To avoid “lumpy” noticeable tempo changes I wanted to replicate that in VSTL, or feed the tempo into VSTL.
Unfortunately I have not owned Cubase for a long time, the last version I used was a point release of Cubase 1 back in Ye Olden days.
Need to know, VSTL won’t handle audio warp
Send MIDI#CC to TAP tpo VSTL
My VSTL only has MIDI tracks. I would like to change the tempo online using MIDI#CC. I don’t care about audio warp.
TAP tempo via MIDI#CC
It’s a shame that I can only change the tempo using TAP and not to the exact value.
No, it’s not! This is the MASTER multitrack-player, sequencer and show controller. Or should the tail wagging the dog?
You are right, you know better than I what the features of the program should be
I’m just saying the word “shame” is not adequate
Sorry for my english, it should be “pity” instead “shame”