EZ Drummer with Dorico (and Noteperformer)

One aspect I don’t fully understand is the creating of template and mappings for loading EZ Drummer in Dorico. What steps should I follow to correctly load both Noteperformer and EZ Drummer, ensuring the right drum mappings and enabling drag-and-drop of MIDI patterns or grooves into Dorico’s play grid? Additionally, how can I ensure that EZ Drummer (3) is properly integrated for use with Noteperformer in this setup?

You will need a percussion map that matches the kit(s) you’re using in EZDrummer. Dorico doesn’t come with any ready-made percussion maps for EZDrummer, so you may need to make this yourself. The basic notes required will match the General MIDI mapping used by most regular drum sets, but you may need to take extra care to map special techniques or additional instruments provided by the kit.

Once you’ve got your percussion map set up, add EZDrummer to a project via the VST and MIDI panel in Play mode, and manually assign it to a drum set in your project. Make sure the right percussion map is chosen there.

Now export an endpoint configuration for the drum set, which captures the fact that for a drum set percussion kit, EZDrummer should be used, and it should use your custom percussion map.

Finally, go to Play > Playback Templates and create a new playback template based on the NotePerformer playback template. Add the endpoint configuration you saved earlier, and ensure it appears above NotePerformer in the list of Entries.

Now when you apply this new “NotePerformer + EZDrummer” playback template to your project, Dorico should automatically assign your drum set percussion kit to EZDrummer, with the custom percussion map loaded.

Hi. I’ve built up and shared here some libraries from Superior Drummer, not sure how different those from EZ Drummer are. You should start from my Percussion maps :wink:
For the rest, Daniel has already been giving the best possible advice.

Hi @dspreadbury and @MarcLarcher, thanks for the answer. I find Marcs Superior Drummer library that I have used as starting point. After that I have made a complet map for EZDrummer Percussion. I have spend some hours to understand how it works, I make a mistake and I don’t know where:

The complete Map is build from the Midi Layout (only the names are not correct set yet). For example the tambourine has 3 play styles: mute, off beat, on beat (25, 26, 27). I add a drum kit with a tambourine and add the drumkit to EZDrummer with the Percussion Map. When I add a midi pattern with this 3 different midi notes (25,26,27) then it only show one of the notes (midi).
When I add a ‘5 line treble clef’ attached with EZ Drummer then I see all the notes (as C#0, D0, D#0) and it playbacks correctly.

I think I make a mistake in the Playing Techniques (I don’t understand exactly how this works). Maybe you can help me to tell me what to do. I include a Dorico project with the Percussie template included, the treble clef and drumkit to this post. The example are Tambourine mute, off beat and on beat.

EZ Drummer Latin Percussion.dorico (515.3 KB)
Drum Map.pdf (1.4 MB)