Failed process (Direct offline processing) & Drag and Drop problem

Hello Steinberg Forum,

I got a new issue in Cubase 10. When I pitchbend a rebounced audio file (rebounced within the project) it says ‘processing failed’ whenever I try to pitch shift.

Another issue I got is with drag and dropping audio files into the project. Somehow the feature drag and drop within two existing audio files is gone. What it would do in Cubase 9.5 is create a new channel with that green line. However it works when I do it in the audio tracks window. But you could do it in the project window before which dropped it right at the mouse placement.
This might be caused by running my Cubase 10 in Windows 8 compatibility mode. (Because it would crash with Antares plugins otherwise)

Kind Regards,


The drag and do feature was removed because several users did like it and were complaining a lot.

Ah, makes sense now… whatever we like gets removed - just like real life=)

+1 I am also experiencing this same error when trying to pitch shift segments of quantized audio. I did not experience this issue in 9.5. Would love a fix on this.

I am so fed up with them removing what we like…this company really knows how to pizz off their base…wow

The drag and drop was so welcomed…


Could you try this in Cubase, please? I can’t reproduce it here on my system.

Could you please write step-by-ste repro?

I tried this:

  • Add a file.
  • Bonce Selection > Replace
  • Direct Offline Process > Pitch Shift
    => Works
  • Bonce Selection > Replace
  • Direct Offline Process > Pitch Shift
    => Works

I haven’t come across this issue anymore, happened on one project. I guess the new Cubase update has fixed it. What a bummer that the drag and drop feature has been removed. Now I have to set my marker on the right position everytime when I want to drop a new audio file in.

Isn’t the file placed at the cursor position? So if you would place the cursor to the wanted position first, you don’t need the marker.

The thing is that you have to place it in between of the tracks at the left side of Cubase. That will automatically place it at your track marker instead of just dragging the audio file somewhere in the middle of your project window.


Sorry, I’m not with Cubase right now and I cannot test it, how does it really work.

What do you mean by “track marker”? Do you complain, where the audio file is placed in time? Do you complain you have to set the Playhead Cursor position first before you insert the Audio event? Or am I missing something?

We have just had this problem in Cubase 11 the problem is the length of the files name when you include the full address of where the file is located. Took us ages to figure out but here’s our solution.

In Windows 10 the character limit for the address of a file is 260 characters we had the “process failed” happen sporadically to different students in the classroom for different audio processes and couldn’t figure out why it wasn’t happening to everyone. Tried all sorts till I had an idea about character limits in file names.

Turns out when you create an edit the file name it creates for some reason has loads of hex appended to the file name e.g. “Bass-Time Stretch-725914C03A04450D9A0B75BAF2DD5FD4” Because this file was buried deep in the file tree due to the way our students store work like below.

\SERVERNAME\musicdata- Music Technology\BTEC Tech Resources\Student Work (Terence)\Students Name\Y1 Unit 32 - Sequencing\Final Evidence\A3 - Sequencing Portfolio 2 - Remix\Edits\Bass-Time Stretch-725914C03A04450D9A0B75BAF2DD5FD4

It tipped the character limit over the 260 so the file couldn’t be written and Cubase reported a fail. Once we tested the same project lower down in the file tree where we are further from the Character limit it solved all our problems.

So long story short check to make sure your not anywhere near the character limit because of this ridiculous about of hex code Cubase tacks onto the file names when it creates files. surely it should just be ass-Time Stretch-01…02…03 etc.

P.S this can also cause issues when trying to Back up projects too.

helped so much !