Failing to get plugin name in moduleinfotool from path on Win32


We’re using the moduleinfotool project to create VST3 compatibility between versions of our plugins. It’s all working fine on macOS but on Windows the JSON "name" field is empty.

I think this is due to the code in Module::create() within vst3sdk/public.sdk/source/vst/hosting/module_win32.cpp which assumes the path separator / rather than \

Module::Ptr Module::create (const std::string& path, std::string& errorDescription)
	auto _module = std::make_shared<Win32Module> ();
	if (_module->load (path, errorDescription))
		_module->path = path;
		auto it = std::find_if (path.rbegin (), path.rend (),
		                        [] (const std::string::value_type& c) { return c == '/'; });
		if (it != path.rend ())
			_module->name = {it.base (), path.end ()};
		return _module;
	return nullptr;