Feature request: Adding argument list for popovers to assign individual key commands

Hi there,

I know I could get what I want with editing the user-defined json file for key commands but I think a graphical representation would be very advantageous.

My thought is that you could add an argument list (plain strings) in the key commands dialog that is connected only to popover actions where you can assign an individual key command for every entry in the argument list.

For example: You want to do a key command for Create Dynamic and you add entries for p, mp, f, mp < f etc. To every entry you assign a key command. When hitting the key command the popover with the content of the specific argument list entry will be executed.

That way you have a better visual representation of your popover key commands and changing or adding them is also easier to do and less error-prone than fiddling around in the json file.

So, essentially, you want one key command for each type of dynamic, that triggers the popover and enters the command?

The hardest part would be finding sufficient keys for the full range of dynamics.

You can create scripts for sequences of actions, and apply shortcuts to those, of course.

Stream Deck’s multi-actions come to mind!

Yeah, also for specific filtering of notes, adding intervals above and below etc. etc. Memorizing different key combinations is no problem for me and I prefer it over a cross media approach.

It’s not so much remembering them, as finding available keys – and once you’re into combinations of keys, then that’s not much different from Shift D p .

Yeah for one letter popover situations and neglecting the fact that you also have to hit Enter you are totally right.
But for the other 999 use cases a specific key combination is even more practical.