Feature Request: Automation Slaves

You have a large orchestra tutti with roughly the same dynamics for all instruments.
It would be great if you could write the desired dynamics on one track and have all the other tracks slaved to the one “ring” ehhh track.
This way you can try things out quickly without the need to copy paste the automation to all the other tracks first.

Or is this function already present with me being gloriously ignorant :wink:



MIDI, or track automation?

Main screen controller 1 automation

example: write the automation for all the brass at once:

Ok, MIDI, then. For track automation you could have used VCAs, but that won’t work with CC.

indeed, plus in almost every case you don’t want audio volume automation, but crossfade automation.

I’ve just succeeded with Q-Link. Automation of a plug-in (Stereo Flux tools) on two tracks at the same time.

Can you tell me how?
I selected the tracks in the mixer, activated Q-link wrote some automation by pressing the Alt key on one of the tracks but no automation link between the selected channels.
For me Q-link is only mixer parameter oriented.

I selected the tracks in the mixconsole, then activated Q-link. Then, without pressing alt, I modified a plug-in automation.

All DAW’S work this way. Yes, of course you can do automation rides on multiple tracks or no one would ever buy the DAW.:slightly_smiling_face:
You can link faders, or use Quick Link which I use every single day, or you can send them all to the same group fader and automate that way, or you can use VCA’s, it’s up to you. I can do any of these things in a few seconds. There are plenty of videos on YouTube to answer your specific questions. HTH.

Thank you but that is not my point, i am talking about drawing CC01 automation on multiple tracks at the same time. With my tablet/pen

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If I’m not mistaken the best way would be to use your midi keyboard controller to record CC information to multiple tracks at the same time.

Yes indeed. Hence my title “feature request” because most of the time a slider is not as accurate as a pen. :wink:

Like a human, after all… :smiley:

In Logic, this is possible by putting all the MIDI tracks into a Track Stack and then writing the CC1 automation onto the track stack. The Track Stack effectively acts as a parent midi track to all the tracks contained within it.

There’s plenty of Cubase users calling for Cubase’s folders to have Logic-style functionality. I think you just gave another compelling reason for why this would be helpful!

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