feature request: Event mixing

I ran into a situation where a function that I guess would be called “event mixing” would have been really convenient.

Its basically the idea of mixing an event and having that always override whatever channelsettings are on the channel its currently on, This means you can move around this event in the project and it will always sound the same.

ofcourse all the normal mixing settings should be abailable like EQ and inserts, and it only affects that particular event, and you reach it I guess though the sample editor. Also by ofcourse possible to highlight several event and add the same effects and settings to them all, or just copy settings from other events, or channels…

This just feels a lot more comfortable than using automation to change alot of the settings during s specific point in time if you want to create an effect. For example if you want the vocals to change at the end of the verse, you can just cut that part into a separate event, go into event mixing and fix that up in whatever way you like, and then these settings will always override the channel settings, and then no need to reset the automation, because as soon as the event is over the channel will play back the rest of the content as normal