Global Ghost Notes is a static image of all notes from all chosen tracks, displayed in the background of Key Editor.
While it’s simple, it’s also extremely useful for UX to immediately see the MIDI context in Key Editor, and it’s a massive time saver for certain types of workflow, such as but not limited to:
- Harmonization - you see the chords instantly even if all voices are on separate tracks
- Orchestration / Voice management
- Quick editing and jumping from part to part, constantly reopening Key Editor
- Adjusting note position to match to some other track
- Drawing CC Curves in the active track to match notes in other tracks
How it looks in FL Studio:
There is also a selector menu where you can choose, which tracks to render to Ghost Notes.
In Cubase, currently the only way to achieve something like this is by manually selecting tracks/parts you want to see each time you open a Key Editor, which takes a lot of time and breaks the state of flow (because you switch your focus from the MIDI editing to remembering and searching tracks), especially with the freeze from “Show All” function.
Ghost Notes don’t need to be editable or selectable, just a background image to see the context.
There were a lot of similar requests before, so I hope this will be considered.