I am requesting a new Halve/Double Score feature as an addition to the current Halve and Double Note Values in the Write menu > Edit Durations:
In the current halve/double operation, Dorico is not offering Time Signature transformation, and is not handling tuplets, which I am assuming for now, must be a bug/misfeature:
The ‘Halve Score’ function is currently available in Sibelius as Halve Note Values from the Ribbon > Note Input > Transformations > Halve Note Values:
This operation creates a copy score in a separate window, in which the entire score shrinks to half its size, including Time Signatures, Triplets etc, preserving text and slur attachments:
ORIGINAL (MIDI imported from Cubase):
HALVED (note that slurs and text attachments are preserved):
Triplets are also faithfully halved:
as are nested tuplets:
The converse applies for Double Score. Currently as workaround, I am exporting as MusicXML the score I want transformed from Dorico to Sibelius, running Halve Note Values in Sibelius, and then re-exporting the transformed score as MusicXML from Sibelius back to Dorico.
It would be great to be able to perform this Halve Score or Double Score operation, including tuplets and preserving slur and text attachments, in Dorico directly.