Feature Request: Have dorico to automatically change the Clef when notes crosse boundary limits


Is it possible to have Dorico to change automatically the Clef when It crosses boundary limits? Say if you are in F clef and a note passes A3, insert automatically G clef before the note, and when It goes below that it changes back to the default one.

likewise if as soon as a note goes below say E2 in G clef the clef changes to say F clef ( or C clef, or whatever is set)?


(Cellist speaking here:) Please don’t, it would generate unnecessary random clef changes for single notes or short passages, and besides, on a cello or bassoon there’s the tenor clef first if the music doesn’t exceed the mid-high range. It really depends on context, and musical style, which clef is most useful. It may even depend on what role the instrument is playing at a certain moment, e.g. a solo passage may stand out in treble or tenor clef vs. accompaniment in bass clef. I would hate software deciding that for me. It would be wrong most of the time.

This will be used per staff as desired. User can deactivated or don’t apply it.

Well, I suppose if might be useful for making a sight-reading exercise like this one…

A very side note: I didn’t know André Waignein died, and already in 2015! I remember him coming to the first german performance of his “Magnificat” we performed back in 2011. Seems like I lost too much track of him afterwards…

Great use case:) :stuck_out_tongue:

He would write this much faster. Just play in the real-time and press a KC and you’re done.

And thrice no. It really upsets viola players (amongst others) when the clef is changed for one note. And it really upsets me when software assumes I am not competent enough to make my own musical/notation/creative decisions.