Feature-Request: Import Arranger-Track as Midi-Tracks

I have the following feature request:
“Import a Cubase arranger track as a MIDI event track.”

I used the arranger track in Cubase to structure my song. I would like to take this structure with me when importing to VST Live. However, I don’t want to create individual parts from the arranger track, as the import currently does, but just a track that shows me where I am in the song. The song should not be divided into multiple parts based on the arranger track import.
This could be done, for example, by converting the arranger track into a midi track. There the individual arranger parts are then converted into individual MIDI clips. This could be specified as an additional import option for the arranger track import.

Example for import-option:

Result in VST-Live:

I would be happy about an implementation.
Kind regards

Hi @Heyo,

… well, I could add it to the Feature Request list. But the list is already a very big list and I guess it will take some time until your request will be implement. Question : Isn’t it easier to create a MIDI Track in your Cubase project and create empty MIDI clips? Then this track will be transferred to VST Live, too?

See you,

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Hi Michael,
yes, that’s the way I do it now.

I really like using the arranger track when creating a song. It would be really great if I didn’t have to do a workaround because of VST Live.
I thought I could convert the XML format of the exported arranger track into a MIDI track using a script. But unfortunately the format of the vlsprj file is not directly readable (is that possible somehow?). Then I could use a script to integrate the arranger track there until there is a solution.
Kind regards

One Question:
when I import my Midi-Track (workaround for the arranger-track), all clips get “Media offline” in the clip-name (there is no content in the clips, only the clip itself). How can I avoid this?
Kind regards

do you have any idea, why an import of a midi-track with empty Clips causes “Media offline”?

When I create a midi-track in VST-Live I do not get “Media offline”, only when I import it from Cubase.
Kind regards

Hi! Can you repeat the same but drawing some fixed value of a MIDI#CC inside first?
(E.g. Modul átjön 0, Main Vol 127, etc)