Feature Request: Making note color "sticky"

When I need to colour a lot, but not all, of the noteheads in a score, I do this by selecting the note and then Preferences/Common/Color. When I click on color I can select the black square and a panel appears in which I can change the color.

What I do not know how to do is to make this the default colour for when I want to make another note the same colour. Do I have to go through the above-described process (six clicks) every time, or is there a faster way?

Is it possible to make a colour other than black the default in the Select Color panel?


Someone recently suggested making a separate notehead set in a different color for a similar situation so that one could select a group of notes via marquee and reassign the noteheads as a group.

I believe that was me, in this thread:

Sorry! But this doesnt seem to me to be a very good solution in the long run. Why cannot the choice in the pallet be made “sticky”, until changed? I hate to use this as an example, but this is how it works in M$ Word.

Sure, my suggestion was intended as an idea that might improve your workflow based on the software as it works currently.

I posted how to make a shortcut to do this in the thread Lillie posted. Not exactly what you are asking for, but a lot less than six clicks once you have it set up.

In that case, may I make a request for my suggested change of behaviour to be incorporated in the future, please?

Thanks! :grinning:


I’m sure that one of the developers will read your request.

Would recording a script be helpful?
scripting color

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I don’t use Windows so I can’t recall, but does the Windows colour picker allow you to save custom colours? If so, perhaps that’s a way you can quickly recall the colour you want.

Thanks rafaelv. I must confess that until you pointed it out, I was totally unaware of the Script menu. It is a possible short term solution, though, if I understand it properly, it means defining a script for each colour I use.

Perhaps a Windows colour picker exists,Daniel, but I am unaware of one and this is the first time its existence has been suggested.

Do others reading this know what Daniel is referring to?


In the color box, you can click in the color spectrum and drag it to an open Custom Color slot.

The other thing that is really useful here is the color’s hex value in the HTML box. If you want to create a keycommand so you can apply colors easily, make a note of the hex value of the color(s) you want to assign shortcuts to.

To make the keycommand, open the keycommands file that lives in your User folder, not the one in the Dorico program folder. It should be in Users/name/AppData/Roaming/Steinberg/Dorico35. To create a keycommand to color anything red, add the following line to your kGlobal context.

To change to a color other than red, just use the hex code for the color you want that you noted above. Assign whatever shortcut you want between the quotation marks where I have “Ctrl+Alt+Shift+C” here. Repeat this process if you want shortcuts to multiple colors. Select all and run your file through JSONLint before saving and closing to make sure you didn’t make a syntax error somewhere.