Feature Requests - Customizable key commands for multiple Sequential Rehearsal Markers

Hey Dorico team,

Thanks for all your work in responding to questions (including a previous one I had)

For what it’s worth, I have a few feature requests that I think would be worth exploring, so I am humbly bringing forth these suggestions :slight_smile:

Sequential, customizable rehearsal marks that can be assigned to different key commands:

AKA: allowing the user to type text into a Rehearsal Marker editor (“Verse”, “Chorus” etc) and have each of those texts linked to separate key commands that the user can program (not just shift A). When that key command is hit, (like, say ‘V’), it would produce “Verse 1” as a rehearsal mark. The next time, it becomes Verse 2. or Shift C for Chorus 1,2,3 etc. Right now, the Rehearsal Marker feels very inflexible and limited. Using System Text isn’t as robust as what the Rehearsal Marker editor could be.

The ability to add double bar lines to the left side of the first measure in a system

It’s pretty common practice to add double bar lines to the beginning of a section --this seems like a simple addition that would make a lot of sense. Currently I made a playing technique that mimics a left double barline. It works, but I have to drag it into position, and it alters any multi measure rest since there is a playing technique associated with that first measure.

Copy and Paste Filters for horizontal copy and pasting

What I mean by horizontal copy and pasting, is simply: If I copy the notes from one measure into the next measure, I would like the option for them to completely overwrite any entered notes in that second measure, and not simply add them all together. (This is very important for drum transcriptions, for instance). I would also like for there to be filters that you can select or deselect items you don’t wish to copy (repeats, barline styles etc.) so that I wouldn’t need to delete things like forte markings. I’m aware that there is a paste vertical function, but is it possible to not have to clear measures before pasting? If using c + p filters is a possibility already, please let me know :slight_smile:

Edit: a user informed me that I may have had chord mode enabled that caused notes to be kept. I haven’t had it engaged (although I can see why he mentioned this as it should be the reasoning). There is something to do with voices that seems to not overwrite, say, a hi-hat note on beat one when a crash cymbal on beat one is pasted–they both are kept when this is not the user would want. (This is in a Drum Set Layout)

The option to move bar numbers to the left of the stave

There are three optional positions for bar lines, could it be possible to add one more? (this request is perhaps the least crucial :slight_smile:

Overall I’m vey pleased with Dorico, as well as the helpful responses I’ve received and read on other posts. Keep up the great work!


This is exactly how it works today. The only way to preserve existing notes is to have Chord mode (Q) engaged.

Again. This is possible today. Make a selection and apply a filter to remove types of object you don’t want to copy.

Use the option to show bar numbers every system.

TBH, I’m not familiar with this convention, but there are many notation styles out there I may have never heard of…
But I’d argue that such a section border should break any multirest no matter what. If a section break is important enough to be marked with a ||, it should be visible for everyone.

What I meant is this: If there’s initially a 4 measure multi rest, having a double barline on the left side of that multi measure rest should not mean that you now need a blank measure (whole rest) followed by 3 measures of multi rest.

I have bar numbers selected for every system – what I meant is that my preference would be to have the option of placing those bar numbers to the left of the staff, not only above or below the staff.

If you’re getting this result, there’s something wrong. If you upload a file that displays the problem, someone will figure out what’s wrong.

I think the issue is because I’m having to create a “double barline” via creating a custom playing technique, because there isn’t the option of creating a barline on the left side of the first measure of the stave.

Gotcha. Sorry - I should’ve read that more carefully.

Try Staff Text instead. Something like this:

Staff Text (and System Text) don’t break multibar rests as long as they’re attached to the first downbeat.

I’ve tested this just now, and it seems to only work partially. I’m dealing primarily with drum notation. For instance: if I copy a measure that has crash cymbal on beat one onto another measure that has hi-hat on beat one, regardless of if “Chord Mode” is enabled or not, the result seems to always be both a crash cymbal and hi-hat on beat one. With Q selected, it’s much worse, but with it deselected, it still doesn’t make sense for it to not overwrite all the notes in a measure.

Sorry, I missed that point.