Feature Suggestion: Wet/Dry for Insert

Hi i don’t know if that actually is a thing or a possibility and i have just not found it and activated yet, but as a former Reaper User i was always accustomed to have a built in mix knob or wet/dry thingamajig if you will, for every insert effect. Built in into the insert, so if the plugin didn’t have it, i always could just use that. And in reality i always did, and never even went for the mix/wetdryvolume things in vsts after that.

Also it would come in handy for parallel compression because it’s quicker than having to create a group track.


You’ll have to use an Effect or Group Track for parallel processing or the plugin’s mix parameter.
Cubase is laid out more traditional in this regard compared to Reaper it seems.

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it is but does it have to be? I feel like we should lobby steinberg somehow into implementing it.

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tag your post as feature request :slight_smile:

(Forum Guide)


come to find out FL does have it too now!