Fermata with bracket

(german below…)
Hello dear people,

I am looking for a way to put an optional fermata in brackets. How does that work?

Thank you very much,

Hallo liebe Leute,

ich suche nach einer Möglichkeit, eine optionale Fermate in Klammern zu setzen. Wie geht das?

Herzlichen Dank,

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You could create a playing technique. (glyph)


Or modify one of the “other” types of fermata in the Music Symbols editor, in the same way as above.

Hello, Jesper & benwiggy,

thanks for the tip!
So I will try to become a font designer too!

:wink: :+1:

If this is good enough just copy and paste to your own file.
(they are playing techniques)


fermata.dorico (507.9 KB)

Hey, Thanks a lot!!! This is good for me!
Even if now I don’t have any reason to becom a font designer now… :upside_down_face:

Don’t worry, I’m sure there will come new opportunities.


if all your solution requires is to add brackets to a fermata, there’s no actual “designing” to do… it’s just “insert left bracket”, then “insert fermata”, and finally “insert right bracket”.

Thanks for preparing this!
However, when I copy it and try to paste it into my own file, nothing happens. What am I doing wrong?

I just tried, and it’s not working for me either.
Try this instead. In my file select the playing techniques.
Select the fermata and click the pencil to edit it.
Click the star in the lower left corner. Next time you open
your own file it should now be available among the playing techniques





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