Figured bass issue

Is there any way to put in figured bass the most simple triad? All others are working nicely with shift-G command but this one. I mean the figure 3 and 5 above. It doesn’t occure in scores as the lack of any figure means the continuo player needs to play a triad, but in some pedagogical worksheet it would be quite useful.

Hi @kaposi.g , if you put a ! before the numbers in the popover, Dorico will force them to appear (Follow input literally):

Here the Manual:

and in particular this paragraph:

If you wish, you can switch this behaviour globally in menu Library → Notation Options:

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There is also a setting in Engraving Options for how figures of root triads should be displayed.

Here’s an article from Scoring Notes about how Dorico’s figured bass works. It was written when FB was first implemented, and there have been improvements since then.

Thank you so much for your answers, it helped.

Can I ask something else related to the subject. I think the solution is obvious though, but can’t figure out by myself.

I’m using roman numbers for indicating the grade using shift+L, and shift+G for indicating the position of the chord. The result is that, i have a roman letter below and upright above the figured bass. Is the any way apart from selecting all arabic numerals and shifting them in engrave mode to change their position in layout or any other options panel?

Not quite sure I can visualize from your description – you want to move all the figures to be beside lyrics?

Exaxtly! Beside and a bit higher than the bottom of the roman figures…

There’s no automatic way of doing that.

However, there are fonts like MusAnalysis that can do the whole thing in one go, if that’s what you want.

Yep:) thank you so much!

If you need to input figured bass the way it’s taught in France, you’ll need to use a special font, Gofigure (available in the forum). That’s with the + as the leading tone.