File cache in app (Pro Tools) vs standalone

Looking to understand where SL keeps its data. How do I move or back up sessions?

In app it appears to put it in the session subfolder, “ARA Data / SpectraLayers.” That works for me, but does that hold everything?

In standalone (I think) it puts it into “SpectraLayers Edits” in the documents folder. Wouldn’t I want SL to have a session folder so I could move, backup and manage that data too?


In ARA mode, Pro Tools is managing the SpectraLayers session data itself (SpectraLayers has not control over where the session data is stored).

In standalone mode, all session data is stored in the project file itself (.slp).
“SpectraLayers Edits” is a folder that is used when you drag layers out of SpectraLayers. A wav file is then wrote there, so that the target software of the drag and drop operation can read it.

Thanks, Robin. That’s clear and solves it for me.