Below is a screenshot from the Finale manual of Suffix Characters in the Jazz Chord Character Set. Is this set available for use in Dorico?
Below is a screenshot from the Finale manual of Suffix Characters in the Jazz Chord Character Set. Is this set available for use in Dorico?
It’s usable in the sense that you could input those characters as text if you wanted. Those glyphs aren’t usable as chord symbol suffixes though without a lot of hassle, as a single glyph concept really has nothing to do with the way Dorico configures chord suffixes. It’s not like Finale where you could use one of those glyphs in your suffix library. Dorico builds each suffix based on the settings you specify in Engraving Options, so there’s no way to tell Dorico that a 7(#9) chord should look like a specific Jazz Font glyph, without creating individual overrides for every possible root, which would be very time consuming. Dorico provides lots of chord symbol suffix settings though, so you could quickly customize Engraving Options / Chords to get suffixes very close in appearance to those.