When Project browser was droped out,
how have I to find audio clip with description “best take”, which was descripted during recording ?
I know you can search for file names in the pool but I’m not sure if you can search by description. It would be wonderful if we could though. It would also be great if we could search for missing files in the pool so we know what to replace when things go wrong.
You can mark multiple clips and then call the function “Rename events from list”. Then you will see all clips and their descriptions in a column.
If the clip is included, you can narrow your search.
Unfortunately there is no other solution to search for descriptions. I would also like to have another solution.
Dropping the Browser was a really, really bad idea. I for one will try to stick with NU12 for as long as possible, therefore.
Unfortunately, if steinberg will keep this direction of development, next dropped parameter will clip name.
It is also parameter which uses just few users.
I still think it would be great to be able to search for audio events by their descriptions. Especially important if dealing with audio from AAF’s that have been renamed as random strings of garbage
I search files/events by description with the PLE.
Container Type = Event
Name contains = [word ]
Only problem: when having the whole project shown in the timeline Nuendo sometimes fails to find/select them all at once. So you have to zoom into the project, execute the command, scroll further and repeat this process…
a bit cumbersome but a workaround. I hope that helps. When changing the container type you could search for markers and audio too.
Best regards, Johannes
Thanks for sharing the workaround Johannes! It would still be nice to have a pop up panel that shows all the found items in a list though.
on some projects I have created markers from each event and find them in the marker window but this falls apart when I start moving files.
I’d love to see a pop up window with detailed timecode information, maybe with arrows to navigate from one to another…
I posted a feature request about this functionality without being tied to the marker window. Not sure if that’s too niche for the devs to develop/migrate.
Yes that would be great. Working on a project that might be 100 minutes long and with many hundreds of tracks of audio with thousands of slund all imported from AAF’S can be a real pain when you need to find one particular supplied sound.
Exactly, and as you said, the markers are very helpful but as soon as you move/edit/copy the events it doesn’t correspond with the event anymore… unless you edit every marker the same way as the event…
Yes, I have actually had to do that in the past when cutting a radio play, quite tedious.
Oh boy… sounds not amusing. I wish Nuendo would behave like your standard chrome browser: you hit e.g. ctrl+f, you can see how many words were found, they are highlighted and you can jump from one to the next result + (as u suggested) a detailed pop-up panel.
Maybe one day…