Is there a way to “Find Range” of a part. I need an quick way to find the highest and lowest notes in a part in Dorico.
Thanks for any help.
Is there a way to “Find Range” of a part. I need an quick way to find the highest and lowest notes in a part in Dorico.
Thanks for any help.
I believe the quickest way is to select the whole flow for that instrument and show the midi keyboard in the lower panel…
The trick is to select the whole part and check out in the bottom panel >keyboard which low/top notes are.
[Edit] Ninja’d by @Janus
Thank you all. Unfortunately when I bring up the Flute part (see Screen Shot) I don’t see the dots on any keys. The range of this part is Gb4 to F6 but I must have to hit something to get that to show up on the keyboard.
Thanks for further guidance.
Use the “little keyboard” above the big keyboard to control the range shown.
I was a little incorrect on the actual range. It is from F4 to F6 but the “little” keyboard is showing from an Eb to an Ab three and a half octaves above that which is not the range. I am still missing something.
Thank you.
Try selecting all of the notes in the flute part first.
Thanks to all who responded to this question. It worked like a charm.
Two follow-on questions: in SE 5 how do I get a Midi keyboard, or is this facility not available? And: Sibelius flags when a written part goes outside the range of the instrument for which it is written, which can be very useful when trying out transpositions. Can/does Dorico do that, or would I have to take the approach described above?
At the top of the lower zone (aka bottom panel) there are various icons, one of which shows a keyboard. Click it and you should see a keyboard at the bottom of the screen.
For showing out of range notes, it’s View > Voice and rest colors > Notes out of range.
Dorico displays out of range notes in Bright Red. (Burgundy/Claret for difficult, but possible.)
You can turn this on in the View menu > Notes And Rest Colors.
(Lambrusco for very sweet melodies.)
I have found that when checking the range of each wind instrument, one has to be careful because it seems to show the range only in concert pitch on the piano keyboard. So when checking the range of transposing instruments you have to transpose what you see to whatever the actual instrument would be playing. I am guessing there is no setting that would show me the transposed range for an instrument when I want to check the top and bottom notes. This feature is helpful when writing for very young players to make sure no notes accidentally go out of the desitred range for that player.
So, you want a piano in B flat…?
As said, if you use the Colored notes, then you won’t need to use the piano keyboard.
Can I set the range of the colored notes?
I am not as worried about notes outside the range of the instrument. I know those. What I always have to watch out for is notes outside the range of each level of player.(gr. 1, gr. 2, gr. 3, etc. I just finished my first piece in Dorico and thought I had checked the parts over for grade 2 range, but when I used the piano keyboard I found an over the break “C” in the 2nd Clarinet part which would be a big no-no for my publisher at that grade level. These are mistakes I can’t afford to make.
Thanks for the responses.
Also and Eb and an F piano would be nice.
You can set the ranges in the Instruments editor – so you could create a “Grade 1 Clarinet” instrument.
Thank you. I failed to recognise the keyboard icon! Also failed to distinguish the colour of a selected note from the colour of an out-of-range note, though I see they are very slightly different.
Do you know if there is a video out there that would go through the steps required to set that up?
Thanks. This would be great if I could figure it out.