Hi guys,
I’m finding a way to reproduce with much fidelity possible the sound of the lead synth in ‘The final countdown’ of Europe.
Could you please lead me to find the sounds?
I already did something and the sound is similar, but I know you have more experience than me and find a better result!
Final Countdown.vstpreset (12.8 KB)
Here’s a good starting point.
Thank you for your replies. I cannot find a way to open that file.
Can you please explain how to open it?
Thanks again
I have Halion 7 Sonic and as you can see on the image when I drag the file, the cursor change because it is impossible to drop the file there.
Is the file not compatible?
To he honest I don’t know how to make it compatible with Halion Sonic
Is that all it took?? I tried that myself, but after enabling VM I got another message about Flex Phraser, and after that, another one, etc so I gave up on it and figured it used some feature only available in Halion itself heh.
I assume you’re mixing up HALion, HALion Sonic and HALion Sonic Collection. That preset file will only work in HALion or HALion Sonic Collection. Renaming HALion’s product line was one of the most confusing ideas Steinberg ever had. I’m sure a manager got promoted for it.
Get yourself the free VST plugin PG-8X from ML-VST. It’s a very good reproduction of an Roland JX-8P synth, and this one was the synth Europe used in their signature track.
Apologies, thought I had it working in Sonic but must have mixed them up.