Finale refugee here. I went into Engrave mode and pressed Command-Shift-L and changed bars per system to “4”. It had no effect and the all measures are still scrunched onto one line. Can any help me understanding why my change had no effect?
Select the first frame break, untick, wait for next frame brake in the lower zone
Thank you for your reply. I see the “signpost” for Frame Break, but I don’t see anything for Fram Break. How do I find the “first Frame Break”? Is there a good video that walks a new person through this?
That’s the first Frame break. The one that’s at the beginning of the music. Select it. Check out the properties panel (bottom panel, cmd or ctrl-8) and disable the Wait for next system break property.
Ah, thank you!
So… next issue. I have these huge spaces between the system. I pressed shift-CMD-L and I don’t see where I can lessen the space between systems. Can you assist?
Hey Jazzbat!
Just for prettiness reasons: Can you delete the first frame break signpost? This is the first page of something, right?
As you can see on the right of each system, it’s overfull (over 100%)
Have you enabled a fixed casting off? I certainly wouldn’t recommend that, and if you need to keep it, change the value of the number of bzrs per system or change the spacing size!
I suppose Layout options >Vertical spacing >Justification is doing its job, hence the spaces between the systems! Try and change the first value to 100% (which disables justification), you won’t have those spaces (but the music won’t be vertically justified any more)
Ha! Yes, I’m doing lessons handouts with Dorico to get to know the software
Well… I downloaded a template I found online. I downloaded it in the hope of shortcutting some of the learning curve. That was a mistake. I’m going to go back to default settings on my next Dorico project. Yes, I imagine this template works very well for the person who created it.
Yes, this is the first page of a jazz lesson guide for a particular song. I found the staff spacing tool in the left margin in Engrave mode. I hope Dorico will consider producing some up-to-date tutorial videos. Most of the step-by-step videos I found on YT are 6-8 years old. Several updates later, many of the menu items have moved.
I’m good for now and got the jazz lesson handout completed. Thank you all for your fast responses.