Fixing/consolidating Rests in a single bar

I have many bars ( I guess from xml import) where there are many eight-note rests ( as in bar 49, I want them look like bar 50) as follows:

also other examples:

Is there a way to fix/consolidate these rests properly? The time signature is 4/4.

Any help would be appreciated.

The easiest way would be to simply select the whole passage, do Edit > Filter > Rests, then hit Delete. That will delete these explicit rests imported from MusicXML and will leave you with the default rests that divide the bar correctly according to the settings in Notation Options.

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What about when using different time signatures that create similar rest issues, e.g.
Screen Shot 2022-03-23 at 2.36.36 PM

I can’t figure out how to consolidate smaller value rests into it’s equivalent larger rest, like in this example I’m showing.
Any ideas
I am using Dorico Pro 4

Force duration: Select the first 16th-rest and type O 5 (letter O).

(That example is a strange rhythm for 6/8. It’s more like 12/16 meter. Dorico is “doing the right thing” with the rests by default.)

Thank you; that fixed it.
Is this a command/code that Dorico has?
I’ll think about your observation on the time signature.
Could I pick your brain on what made you think of 12/16 over the 6/8 I wrote?

Yes, O is a shortcut for the tool on the left that looks like a clamp, that forces notes and rests to be the duration you choose, otherwise Dorico writes durations more simply or more correctly for the prevailing meter. The eighth rest you wanted to force is on an offbeat in 6/8.

I tried copying that rhythm myself to see why you were getting the two 16th rests in the first place. I put it against straight eighths to see where the beats were falling. The rhythm makes 4 equal beats in the bar, which would be dotted eighths, whereas 6/8 is 2 dotted quarters in a bar. Of course I’m seeing this with no context, so I can’t really judge.

I’m surprised the second eighth rest didn’t split. Apparently (when I type this in) Dorico not only sees a rhythmic split in the center of the 6/8 measure but also observes the halfway point of each dotted eighth making up the 6/8.

I wonder if having the smaller rhythmic values forces this the way taking an eighth-quarter-eighth syncopation in 4/4 changes if two sixteenths replace the opening eighth.

You can tell by the color, that one was already forced (by whatever means).
I decided not to mention it to avoid complication …

Than you. I appreciate your feedback. I’m experimenting with a “free” style of measures to try and get a more ad lib feel for the piece with the tools that Dorico has ( and that I’m so far aware of; big learning curve for me still).
In any case I appreciate your takes on the matter, even though, like Mark said, you don’t have the full context of the piece.
Thank you.