Flow tacet pages not showing for every flow in some parts

Hi everyone,
I’ve been looking to get visible tacet pages for every part when it is tacet for a movement of the wider opera I’m editing. Currently it’s only showing some of the movements (see this image, where flow 6 shows but flows 7-10 don’t before flow 11, where the instrument is in. I’ve been doing this work for another composer, and we’re both not sure whether there might have been an override entered at some point. My flow visibility and tacet settings (from layout options) are also attached. The issue is only happening in some parts - all the orchestral instruments are fine, but the contemporary ones (bass guitar, electric bass, and vocals) aren’t showing.

First, check that the Layouts contain all of the Flows. Sometime users forget that to see Tacet, the Flow(s) needs to be assigned to the Layout.