HI there! I have a little problem, maybe very easy to solve for a more experienced user on Dorico Elements 5. When I insert a new flux I can’t see the title and I am not be able to insert it! what can I do?
It could be that you need to enable flow headings on the Page Setup page of Library > Layout Options. Check the settings in the Flows section of that page.
Already tried , but not! It doesn’t work!
Giovanni, you probably missed the step to input this information into the project info window.
There are areas where you can put names for the Flow Title (and composer, and lyricist, and Project Title and a lot of other things).
Can you try this please?
Open the Project Info window by typing Cmd-I (or Ctrl-I on Windows).
HI, already tried many times. When I add a flow it happens that the flow is added but not title at all for the new flow!
Then follow Daniel’s advice, select the right Layout first, then apply the settings.
It works for 10.000s of Dorico users
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It doesn’t work. I have to say that I wold like to have the new flow starting on the first page with his title. I have prepare a small sample to upload
Sample.dorico (665.9 KB)
in Engrave mode remove the Page override
Sample - Piano (nuovo).dorico (754.9 KB)
I created a new Piano Layout “Piano (nuovo)”, assigned the Piano player to it.
Changed Staff visibility as in your original setup.
You can safely remove the (old) Piano Layout.
Ciao @giovannimatta65, may I add a couple of other suggestions?
For the note names it is possible (and better ) to use the Lyrics, so the text is aligned vertically with the notehead (you can set the font size in menu Library/Paragraph Styles…/Lyrics).
And if you want the project title underlined, don’t change this directly into the layout (that’s what caused the page override and consequently the other flow title problem), but edit instead the Paragraph Style Titel (from menu Library).
To correct page overrides in Dorico Element follow this and this explanation by @k_b
Many Thanks to all!
Giovanni is using Dorico Elements.
I see…, I edited my post (Thank you @k_b)
You are welcome
If I can bother you a little more. What was my mistake? I believe you understand I am a very unskilled user and I just entered in this world and I would like to understand
As Christian pointed out, you probably tried to change information on the page (Layout) by double-clicking a title. This causes a “page override” which you actually can’t directly fix in Elements. You would have to create a new (fresh) Layout - as I did in your example.
A good rule to remember is: change text like title, flow title, composer and so on directly in the Project Info Window (and never on the page).
It is a bit counter intuitive, but once one has internalised it…
Many THANKS! I was struggling for hours! Have a nice day!
Buona giornata.