Focus Contro

Hi everyone.
I purchased the V2 from VL.
I would like to use the new “Focus Control” function to always have a window with 4 buttons in the foreground that allow me to move from one part of a song to another. I managed to get “Next Part” and “Previous Part” to work but I couldn’t get “Select Part” to work. I ask for your help.
Thank you

… I see. You want to create a Button (Pad) that selects Part_1, Part_2, … Part_N. We’ll figure something out. Sorry, but we’ll hurry.
… And you want to insert such a Focus Control to a Global Part.

See you

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Hi, thanks for the timely response.
Exactly I would need to have global control to select the different parts of the song.
Now I solve it using touchosc but I would prefer to use only VL.
Thank you for the support you give us.
A presto, Giorgio

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I’m also interested in doing this, how do you do it with touchosc? I would like to change between parts by pressing a pad or do it with Control change or program change or something else, don’t use up and down on the keyboard, can anyone help me? Thank you

See “Devices/Actions and Shortcuts/Project”. There is a “Learn” feature, too. You can program Next Part, Previous Part, Select Part - the latter takes MIDI data 2 as index, you can also define an offset. Also see further actions there like Next Song etc.