Folder Track as audio bus/Group track

One thing that I miss a lot in Cubase is something like Logic´s Track Stack. For those unfamiliar with Logic, a brief explanation: A Track Stack is like Cubase´s Folder Track but with 2 variations: a) Folder stack= same as cubase´s folder track. b) Summing stack= The folder is also a summing bus, like Cubase´s Group track.

So with this functionality you can have a much neater layout in general. No need to have a folder AND a group track, both functions can exist in one FOLDER/GROUP track.

Studio One has something like this also btw.

OK over and out



That makes sense.


Yep. It was just as useful in Reaper before Apple nicked the idea for Logic :wink: I see no reason why Steinberg shouldn’t follow suit!



We really need this! Group Tracks are obsolete and are not giving us that flexibility for speeding up the workflow.


+1 for this. Awesome workflow enhancement that would allow for me (us) to organize my inserts/sends/sidechains/ect better. I especially liked the feature in both Logic and Studio One 3 for ‘previewing’ effects chains prior to actually arranging and adding automation.


I would like to see the option for folders vs groups. I love organizing via folders and not having them grouped but also see the benefit of the group tracks.

This is definitely required!
I’m surprised we’re not there yet, most DAWs have it.

You pack tracks into folder, and make the folder a group channel. That way you have your mixer neatly lied out and also the arrangement view. No need to set a group, than set a folder all the time, it’s cumbersome.


Yes!!! Logic has, Pro Tools now has it, ST1 has it. That is really a feature I’m missing big time and it would be a big workflow enhancement in Cubase!


Yes please, Is the only feature i miss that i usted a Lot in logic

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Use the macro - Selected Tracks to new folder and Add Group Channel. It’s one of the built in macros in the project logical editor.

make sense

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Don’t waste your votes on this one, there’s already a bigger topic discussing about that :

We need this!!! 1+

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+1 for this.

+1 now that I understand how useful.

+1 for this, folder track is realy good. To have all stuff hidden. But then use maby basis stuff from folders lite all i have Done with tone generator. And just Select anser copy past out från folder. And select like 5 tracks to a bus track that hidden all the other tracks, its a excellent idé. To have it clean in aranging and mixer direcly :slight_smile: best suggestion for a long time ,)

Please !!! I really miss this , and with hardware fader closing a folder in the mixer really keep
Things tidy