After installing CB on a new system, I tried to move my prefs over from a very old Mac system.
I found out that the pref files are bizarrely spread out all over the disk. Thankfully I found the below table (but only after many hours of trying to figure things out manually)
List of settings files and their purpose
Setting… | Stored in… |
Color setup (default) | Defaults.xml |
Color setup | Saved with project file |
Crossfade presets | \Presets\RAMPresets.xml |
Device maps | Folder where program is installed into \Device Maps *.xml |
Device Panels | \Panels<device name>.xml |
Device port input / output setup | Port Setup.xml |
Drum maps | \Drumaps\ as *.drm |
Edit modifier keys (current) | Edit Modifiers.xml |
EQ presets | \Presets\VstEqPresets.xml |
External FX / Instruments setups in VST Connections | External Plugins.xml |
Insert presets | \Presets\InsertsFolderPresets.pxml |
Installed MIDI devices | Midi Devices.bin |
Key command presets | \Presets\KeyCommands<preset name>.xml |
Key commands (current) | Key Commands.xml |
Logical Editor presets | \Presets\Logical Edit<preset name>.xml |
MediaBay auto scan drives | FileSysObserver.xml |
MediaBay column, list, attribute settings | MediaDefaults.xml |
MediaBay factory defaults for “Reset” | MediaFactoryDefaults.xml |
MediaBay settings | MediaDefaults.xml |
MediaBay database | mediabay3.bin (former versions: mediabay.bin) |
MediaBay already scanned folders | scannedFolders3.bin (former versions: scannedFolders.bin) |
MIDI FX presets | \Presets<plugin name><preset name>.xml |
MIDI Insert presets | \Presets\MidiInsertsPresets\ as *.xml |
MIDI Snapshots | \Presets\MIDI snapshot<device name> as *.xml |
Mixer (or channel) settings | Saved in the last active folder as *.vmx (VST Mixer settings) |
Mixer view presets | Saved with project file |
Patch name scripts | \Scripts\Patchnames\ as *.txt |
Preferences (current) | Defaults.xml |
Preferences configuration presets | \Presets\Configurations<preset name>.xml |
Preferences configuration | Configuration.xml |
Quantize presets | \Presets\RAMPresets.xml |
Score custom palettes | Score Custom Palettes.xml |
Score default font | Score Default Font.xml |
Score guitar symbols for dialogue, symbol inspector | GuitarLib.xml |
Score setting window setup | Score Setting Window.xml |
Score staff presets | \Presets\Staff Presets as *.xml file |
Template user projects | \Templates<template name>.cpr |
Tool bar presets | \Presets\RAMPresets.xml |
Track control presets | \Presets\RAMPresets.xml |
Track presets (included with the program) | Folder where program is installed into \Track Presets (with sub folders \Audio, \Instrument, \Midi, \Multi) as *.trackpreset |
Track presets (user defined) | Win: \Users<user name>\AppData\Roaming\Steinberg\Track Presets |
Mac: \Library\Application Support\Steinberg\Track Presets (with sub folders \Audio, \Instrument, \Midi, \Multi) as *.trackpreset | |
Transport panel presets | \Presets\RAMPresets.xml |
Usage profile protocol | Usage Profile.xml (only if enabled in the preferences) |
VST Connections presets | \Presets\RAMPresets.xml |
VST2 plug-ins (not loadable) | Vst2xBlacklist.xml |
VST2 plug-ins and instruments | Vst2xPlugins.xml |
VST3 plug-ins and instruments | VstPlugInfo.xml |
VST3 presets (included with the program) | In the application folder under \VST3 Presets as *.vstpreset file |
VST3 presets (public, for all programs) | Win: C:\Users<user name>\AppData\Roaming\Steinberg\Track Presets |
Mac: \Library\Application Support\Steinberg\Track Presets as *.vstpreset file | |
Workspaces Presets (global) | Window Layouts.xml |
Workspaces | Saved with project file |
Zoom presets | \Presets\RAMPresets.xml |
For the next version, it would be great if they were all in one folder in the user preferences folder. So in OSX
/Users/username/Library/Preferences/Application Files/Cubase ##/
That would make copying them to another system, backing up or other uses much easier.