I would say again , stop pushing versions with many old bugs. Some of bugs stays in all your versions for 3-4 years now. I know that if i buy 14 ,i will find that annoying bugs again. You just ignoring them. WTF. Professional music production software SHAME. These bugs was described many times, but you dont care. I feel its more like Professional money production software. If you ask :
click on my name. You will find a link to a thread where the topic was discussed at great length.
@andriusv This is a known and reported bug. It only happens as long as Control Room is active. Workarounds: (1) switch off Control Room; (2) use the playback tool from inside the project view, not the sample editor.
Why Steinberg is unable to fix this issue is unknown (to us customers).
Ive read the other thread and had a good go at it but CB behaves as it should so far.
I`ll keep an eye on this but i’ve sure i would have noticed it before now if it was common here.
I have found another potential one using that repro but its so obscure (Round trip latency latency has to be over 100ms for it to happen) and play back point is still correct so it will be a sepeate topic if I decide to bring it up for confirmation.
The bug is known by the devs, and maybe doesn’t happen on all systems. Please continue the bug discussion in the other topic, no need for two threads on the same bug.: