FR : hiding faders in the mixer

what we need is to get answers to our questions and that’s the purpose of forums usually
it’s not just about Nuage even though they did something successful because with motorized faders you don’t need “extra” faders on the mixer, instead, we can use this space to expend different elements/controls
my opinion with all respect

I only meant that this request should be easy enough to say yes to from Steinberg as it already exists for us Nuage users.
There should be Very little coding needed to enable this as a optional mixer window for all users.

I wasn’t suggesting you get a Nuage to get access to it (although that is of course an option).

Note official answers are mostly not communicated over the forum.

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Have you tried clicking the buttons on the left to show or hide what you’d like?

We were talking about the mix console window, not the mixer area in the project window.

In many areas of Nuendo, you can decide what you want to see and what not. It would be great if I could control which elements are visible not only in the toolbar, but also in the mixer itself.

And to add some weight to this thread, I’ve given this feature request my last available vote. :innocent:

Can the sends on the mixer be charge to faders / having a small metering next to it like in pro tools or fader flip like in studio one 6 and allso having the Compress meter next to the fader metering.

It will be nice to have the pre gain have the Option to change to fader or Knobs in the mixing console with the option to have a VU metering with different interfaces and themes Calibrated @ -18 + recisable interface for those who are working with high resolution monitors.

Cubase 13 pro is out now and yet we dont have the option to hide the faders in console mix and I wonder why???

Since cubase 8 till 12 I was waiting for this option so yea thank you but no more upgrade

That would be great, just like in Pro Tools. I confess that faders, for me, are useful for recording, but for mixing they’re from another era. Ideally, I don’t touch them.