FR: Option to automatically copy sampler track file to project

When moving projects between computers it’s quite easy to forget that the sampler track can reference files outside the project. It would be great to have the option to always copy the file to the project folder.

Best regards,

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‘+ 1’ this is important. shouldn’t this be part of the ‘prepare archive’ workflow?

I’m using dropbox as my main project folder. From there I can work the same project from different machines and projects. Most other sample triggering plugins I use either import the sample file to the project or have a relative reference that can work on different mackines. Sampler track seems to use a absolute path that is machine specific.

For sampler track to be fully integrated into cubendo it makes sense to at least get the option to import files into the project when loading a sample. The same way as when you import to a audio track has that option.

Best regards,