Free HALion Sonic 7 (included with Cubase, Dorico...) cannot be upgraded to HALion 7!

Hey all,
If you’re unsure about whether you can upgrade to HALion 7 at a discount, please keep the following in mind:

The following licenses can be upgraded/updated to HALion 7:

  • HALion 3
  • HALion 4
  • HALion 5
  • HALion 6
  • HALion Sonic 3
  • HALion Sonic 7 Collection

The following licenses can be updated to the HALion Sonic 7 Collection:

  • HALion Sonic 1
  • HALion Sonic 2
  • HALion Sonic 3

Owners of the following products can request a crossgrade to HALion 7:

  • Kontakt
  • Falcon
  • Komplete
  • Omnisphere

Free versions, such as HALion Sonic SE, HALion Sonic 7, cannot be upgraded at a discount.

If you own the Absolute VST Instrument Collection, you must purchase an update to the latest version of Absolute. The licenses for the individual products in this collection cannot be updated separately!

You can use the following links to check which licenses you have registered to your account:
Steinberg Licensing (new system)
eLicenser (old system)

If you have any questions about the included content or the upgrade process, please don’t hesitate to ask!

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Owning a previous version (Halion 4, 5, 6,), etc. and bringing it up to date, should be called an ‘update’.

Moving up from a cut down version (Hal. Sonic), should be called an ‘upgrade’,
if that should become possible.

Moving from a similar program from another manufacturer, to Halion, is a ‘crossgrade’.

Just my opinion, but I think it would cause less confusion.

That is exactly how it is named in the screens on the Website where you chose the Type of License you want to buy.

I’ve updated the first post to better match the terminology used by Steinberg’s site. I’ve also added info on crossgrades and the Absolute Collection.