Free meter input on more than one staff

How would you enter free meter on more than one staff, as shown in the example? I know that to use a free meter you can start entering music without having specified a time signature. But, this limits the music to one bar or staff.

One approach might be:

4/4, 26/4, 12/4, 34/4, 7/4, and 6/4 (if I counted correctly) measures, with time signatures hidden and breaks within bars allowed.

Caveat: as I’ve never done this kind of notation, there may be other and better ways.

That’s what I kind of expected, but indeed I wonder whether there’s a better way to achieve the same result.

I think you can just input all your notes and break the system where you want (open time):


Also: you can insert all types of barlines everywhere, just with Shift-B:


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psalmody exmaple.dorico (568.7 KB)


This is great! I immediately tried it out and it worked like a breeze. The only thing I haven’t figured out yet is how to shorten the first and last system.

This is done in Engrave Mode, with the icon for Note Spacing selected:

Einzug rechts

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I tried to drag it using the mouse, that’s why it didn’t work.

Hi Bart, maybe @meixner deserves the solution.


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Yes, they say so in the Doc:

I wasn’t that far yet in getting to know Dorico.

No problem – it’s no small task … I’m constantly looking up things in the docs :+1:

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