Why doesn’t Retrologue 2 have the ability to free zoom the plugin or at least select a scale factor? At 1080p, the controls are super tiny and a strain on the eyes. But Retrologue wants my system scaling at 150% (ridiculous!) before it changes size and becomes un-usably massive. The latter part proves that the graphics exist in HD, so why not just let us control our own zoom factor with a menu option?
i agree. on 1440P (100%) this thing looks tiny…
It is impossible to work with on a 4K Display. Oldschool sounds are good, bat oldschool gui is a no go. Take a look at Arturia or Cherry Audio.
I heavily agree. This Synth needs a GUI Update. If not to be scaleable, so at least a few size levels to choose from. This can’t be so much work. On 4K this is to small. Sad, because the sound is still great, but hard to use with this tiny GUI on a modern screen setup. Please give us a bigger interface.
Came here to say the same thing. The GUI is tiny. Anyone have any advice for those of us on Ultra Wides?
I don’t use it as I can’t see it. I think with a lot of people with bigger screens, this should be a top priority update.
Got an email a day or so ago from SB about a new soundpack for it. I’m sure it’s great but not happening until they make the gui resizable. It’s too small and this issue has been neglected for too long.
…on my 4k screens it isn’t workable. Given that this was a problem since 2021, it doesn’t look like they care much
Try using Windows Magnifier at 125%. At least it works for programming Retrologue… then you can switch back to 100% view to get your workspace back to normal. It’s an extra step but worth it.
It’s ridiculous that we should use a magnifier application just because Steinberg is not willing to listen to customer requests. This is the biggest problem with German companies, they have awful customer support and they aren’t interested in what customers’ needs are.
Came here to add my voice to the chorus. Just got an email for a " Cinemorphic for Retrologue 2" soundset, and remembered that I rarely use Retrologue 2–even though it’s otherwise a great synth–because it’s so tiny on my screen. I really hope they do a Retrologue GUI update one of these days, making it possible to adjust the zoom for different screen sizes/resolutions.
Same here: Retrologue looks MUCH too small on a modern HiRes Screen!
A UI Scaling update is heavily overdue!
+1 here. Of all my VSTs Retrologue is the worst to try and read. I just wanted to jump on the wagon and hope someone at SB takes notice.
ABSOLUTELY! It is driving me nuts having to lean forward to program sounds.
We hear you all loud and clear.
I spare you the internal whys and whos, but it is a request for all our plugins, and we are just as impatient to implement a solution.
Unfortunately, all I can safely say is, that it still might need some time and once available, we can most likely not update all plugins at once.
For some of you, it might be an option to work with Windows/macOS scaling of even values (200%, 400%) in the meantime.
Let me apologize again for the long wait, and ask for even more of your patience. Thanks for bearing with us!
Retrologue was one of the main reasons why I wanted to convert to Cubase and it’s basically unusable