Funky Flow Headers – Two column layout

Greetings all‚
It seems that there’s something going on with flow headers. I am experimenting with a two-columns-per-page layout. I’ve created a completely new master page set that has two equally-sized columns that are part of the master frame chain. Each flow has a proper title and yet, for some reason, Dorico is insisting on doubling up the first flow header on each page. For instance, “Kyrie” repeats at the top of the Sanctus which starts in the second column and should have its proper header. Interestingly, if I start the Sanctus at the bottom of the first column, the Sanctus flow header displays properly. The same error repeats at the top of the second page.
Project attached.
Missa XVII alternate (448 KB)

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I haven’t bothered to download the project, but it’s well known that automated flow headings don’t work in conjunction with multiple columns on a page. Flow Headings pull data from whichever flow they think is nearest. In some situations that flow can be the one above, or the one to either side. You’ll need to use manual text frames, or override using {@flow_x_Title@} etc.

News to me, but I’m glad to have an answer. Seems an odd thing; hopefully it will be addressed. I’m surprised this would confuse Dorico. If it knows it needs to start XX music, you’d think the same logic would dictate the flow heading occur before said music. At any rate, thanks, Leo.

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@Romanos I’m having this same issue. I agree with you. This definitely seems like a bug to me. Why shouldn’t flows be named properly, even though they are in a different frame on a page?

How did you resolve this? Did you use the override that pianoleo suggested? I’m not exactly sure how to do that. I would appreciate any explanation of how you worked around this. Thanks for any help.

Funky Flow Headers, now there’s a great name for a band.



Here is a simple project with 2 frames per page.

Dorico sometimes names the flow in the left frame with the name of the flow in the right frame directly across from it, and sometimes the other way around.

2 Frame Flow Heading Problems.dorico (638.2 KB)

Here is a little more specificity on this odd behavior. When there are 2 columns on a page, Dorico seems to name the flows in both columns with the same name, based on whichever one is higher in the frame, as long as they start reasonably close to the same height.

Here, Flow 4 is higher than Flow 1, so they are both named Flow 4:

Here, Flow 1 is higher than Flow 4 so they are both named Flow 1:

Here, Flow 4 is much lower that Flow 1, so they each get the correct name: