Galley view instrument changes - option to not show mult. staves per player (or at least a bracket)

Hello! Unless I’m missing something, this is a feature request… or is there a workaround?

I’m composing for an ensemble of individuals many of who both sing and play (not at the same time). I love the ease with which I can create a soprano/violin, hurdy-gurdy/percussion player etc. in Dorico and how good it looks in Page View.

However I am a stickler about composing in Galley view. I need to scroll and not have the layout shifting on me, so I can quickly see what relates to what. Sudden visual changes can lose a lot of time and focus for me. A year ago I would have called this stubborn preference, now I know it’s a quirk of my neurology (shout out to other Dorico users with adult ADHD!).

So I would absolutely love to be able to see each player in Galley view represented by either 1) a single staff with signposts for instrument changes, or 2) at the least, a bracket or other visual connection between their multiple staves.

Another point: There is a clear notational dividing line between a player holding multiple instruments, and a “kit”. However my singing instrumentalists might well sing and play for a bar here or there, or overlap at transitions. Could instrument changes ever implement auto-divisi at those moments? Or is there a workaround with ossias? Layers?

Thanks as always!

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When a player holds multiple instruments, if there is overlap between the music on each instrument at that point, Dorico will show two staves for that whole system automatically; there’s no way to specify that the extra staff should appear only for part of the system.

We’re unlikely to add an option to galley view to show all instruments held by a player on a single staff. You might find using instrument filters a helpful way to narrow down your focus to the staves belonging to just one or two players.

Thank you, I’ll try instrument filters.

Some folks have been asking the same question as they’re transitioning over from Finale. Stewed on it last night, thought of something this morning.

Create a duplicate score layout called something like Galley Score. In Page Setup, change the width of the page to something wild like 8000mm. In Staves and Systems – Casting Off, disable “fixed number of systems per bar” if it’s active. Voila. Galley view, with page-view-accurate staff spacing and no extra instruments.