Gate invert function


It would be so great if a simple invert or flip button could be added in the gate VST so that we can get the gate to work the other way around.

Thank you!

Noone wants an invert function? Just a little button will save a lot of hassle… :cry:

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I have thought about this several times in the past.

There’s probably a way but a simple solution would be nice.

there’s a way to achieve this. Create an FX channel which will be the output that you want to hear, then create a second channel and take the output from the FX channel as input for it. Create a third Channel, Group Channel. Route the FX channel to no output, and use the send from it to send (after mixer) to Second and Group Channel. Second chanel should route to group channel. Now invert the phase of your second channel and put a gate with chain-input from your source.

In short, whenever the chain receives input it will open the gate and send an inverted signal to the group channel and therefore nullify the output or reduce it, depending on your setup.