GBL-Layer audio OUT / SongGroup routing question

I think I found something, that meight be confusing:
With GlobalLayers it is possible to set different outputs/song while there is only one clicking-order to do this technically. Is it meant GBL-Layer to accept diff output/song?

If yes,
then at routing a GBL-Layer to SongGroup/Songs, it creates a palalell audio processing with the all the songs involved a GBL-Layer to a SongGroup. Technically sound is coming booth from active and inactive songs.
I does this explanation makes sense somehow?

You lost me…?

I meight be missing something, right :sweat_smile: I’m sorry if asked some s@@id.
Just tryed new “song group” feature today to feel comfortable with its features and limitations… And runned to some confusion:

  • I can technically set different outputs to Global Layers / Song

  • I can select output to “Song Group” / Songs too for a Global Layer (if clicking with method above).
    If booth are some unwanted ones, I can do it, app allows me. If booth are meant to be possible / allowed combinations, they seems a bit not jet stable.

p.s.: if no sound is coming from GlobalLayer when first clicking/setting different outputs / song… just needs to repeat clicking through OUT settings again and start working:

Here is when naming SongGroups to a common name in every song (like calling “default song”). Look when switching between Song1 and Song4:

My explanation meight be a bit weird, but If you try this out sometimes, you will see what I mean.

Here are my “Save Archive” projects if you think they worth to have a look:

… we are working on that topic. Just give us a bit. Thank you,

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Sure, no worries! First I wanted to let you know about my experiences with.