General MIDI playback?

In Finale, it was simple to select a piano playback sound from the General MIDI list, even with a single staff instrument. Is there a way to do that in D5, without going through the Halion window? I find that confusing/extra steps required.

Please, KISS.

Hi @wawoodman,
if you load the single staff sketch instruments, will sound as piano.

Otherwise, if you have other defined instruments, and If you don’t want to enter Halion, a fast way would be to add temporarily in Setup a piano player (or a treble or bass staff instrument from the Sketches family), uncheck it from the full score layout or all layouts, and change the channel of your original instrument to the channel of the piano from the track inspector in Play mode:


As @Christian_R said, I just opened an empty project and added a Sketch > Treble staff, and it uses a piano sound, in my case from NotePerformer.

I think in Mike’s case what he’s trying to do is change the sound used by an existing instrument in the score. You can’t do this without using the HALion interface.

I think I’ve already shared this procedure in reply to a previous enquiry you’ve made, Mike, but here it is again:

Yes, I even printed it out! I followed your instructions. It worked, of course.

And that’s why I’m looking for an easier way…

I’ll try the sketch method, as well.

Thanks, all.